Monday, 27 January 2020


To keep your business up and running, you need network support and other services.

Hiring the help of a credible IT Services Chicago is exactly what you need.

But how do you find the right Chicago IT Services for your business? We have what you need.

Use these tips to get the help you need.


Every IT company is different, so it's important to be clear about what these professionals offer.

Some companies offer packages that help you every day, while others help you more. Ask to see a copy of their contracts to find out what type of agreement you are signing.


The more touted an IT support company, the better.

Ask them for references so they can see how they helped others. Instead of taking references to the face value, call them yourself for verification.

You should also check out the reviews other companies have written about the IT support company you are considering hiring. When you see a litany of satisfied customers, it gives you peace of mind that they can also help you.

Browse their portfolio and ask them to explain their past work so you can choose an expert and experienced company.


When buying IT support, make sure you get an idea of ​​the professionals who will help you.

Some companies are large and will send a different technician for each call, while others are stores that will pay personal attention to your business.

The size of the company depends on your preferences, but you should always know this in advance. Make sure to ask them how they see their business developing so that they can evaluate whether they will still be suitable in 5 years.

An IT company that intends to evolve its business will be better equipped and will be able to help you as you evolve.


You will need to see how many IT professionals charge to make sure you can afford the rates they offer.

This helps you adapt their services to overheads and decide how much you are willing to pay. There are many IT companies that will give you a personalized quote, so let them know in advance what you need as it determines how much you will pay.


The upgrade is half the battle for your IT needs.

You will always need the latest and best hardware and software and you will have to constantly improve your current configuration. In many cases, signing up for an IT service plan means including consistent updates.

Find out what the subscription offers you and you will always be able to have the latest technology.


You are more able to meet your IT needs when your finger is on the wrist. While some services can be impressive, you only have to pay for what you need.

A small business may not have the same needs as a large business and vice versa. Whether you need data backup, technician troubleshooting or hardware upgrade, it's important to understand your IT needs.

The right IT company can help you choose the best software, hardware, web hosting and more.

Ask for guarantees and deadlines

Whenever your systems fail, you risk losing serious business and your business can damage its reputation.

For this reason, it is necessary to ask if the IT company offers guarantees of availability. You must keep your systems up and running as close to 100% of the time as possible.

Also, make sure to ask them what guarantees they have on the performance of your hardware and software. Make sure all guarantees are also in writing.


Reliability is the most important feature of any IT company you plan to do business with.

When you have an idea of ​​how they handle each support problem, you can count on them to act when you need them. You should also see if they offer remote troubleshooting so you can get 24-hour assistance.

Since these professionals are responsible for updating and updating systems, never hire a company that does not have excellent customer service.

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Budgeting for Wifi as a Service for your New Wifi Network

You learned seven areas to make sure your WiFi budget quote is complete. You've been introduced to an additional handful of costly WiFi design process considerations to help guide unqualified wireless generalists who don't have advanced corporate WFi skills.

Finally, make sure you understand the necessary steps that a corporate WiFi expert like SecurEdge Networks use to help you plan your WiFi budget and what goes into these variables that determine the costs of the WiFi network:

Your sector: is your business best described as consulting, business, government, health, higher education, hospitality, primary and secondary education, storage, non-profit, retail, technology or other?
Coverage area size: Your location is less than 10,000 square feet, between 10,000 and 25,000 square feet, 25,000 to 50,000 square feet, 50,000 to 75,000 square feet, 75,000 to 100,000 square feet or more than 100,000 square feet ?
The number of WiFi users - How many daily users does your WiFi network have? Fewer than 500, between 500 and 1,000 users, between 1,000 and 2,500 users, between 2,500 and 5,000 users, between 5,000 and 10,000 users, between 10,000 and 25,000 users or more than 25,000 users?
Distribution planning: although this has no impact on the cost of the Wi-Fi network, knowledge of the planning and deadlines allows both parties to organize themselves and to follow the intermediate steps necessary for a successful and timely wireless network installation.

The Bottom Line on Managed Wifi and How Much an Average Cost of Wifi Network 

If your business is like most, your company now considers its WiFi network essential, as essential as a utility such as electricity or running water. Realistically, how long could your business run without its wireless network?

If you answered quickly, it is essential to take your research and purchase decision very seriously when making the right choice for your managed WiFi provider and WiFi as a subscription. of service.

How the WiFi Design Process Works
So now that you know seven key areas of WiFi planning, what else do you need to know to get the right quote for your new WiFi network?

To detect generalist VARs, consultants and managed service providers (MSPs) from true corporate WiFi experts, make sure you have a good idea of ​​the best WiFi design practices:

The managed WiFi the provider needs to know what your business needs - It looks pretty simple. But you will be shocked at the frequency with which unqualified network supplements prescribe before the patient also has the opportunity to describe his symptoms.
The managed WiFi the provider must have a way to ensure that your planned WiFi network has the appropriate RF capacity and coverage for your devices and applications - Again, this seems simple but is often overlooked due to ignorance or laziness.
The managed WiFi the provider should take into account your environment and your sector - For example, a hospital has very different models and needs for using WiFi than a shopping center.
The managed WiFi the provider must take into account your specific needs: yes, some types of buildings, campuses and industries have certain types of models. But in the end, each wireless network is different. Different goals, different challenges, and different expectations. All of these have an impact on your Wi-Fi budget.
The managed WiFi a provider must invest in its team - Although there is no substitute for the experience of installing hundreds of wireless networks, at least make sure that the company you are entrusting is investing in the training and certification of the manufacturer, in the software of wireless design and certification and training and certification of the wireless sector. If you notice a lack of third-party certifications, a large number of entry-level employees or a team composed mainly of subcontractors, you are compromising the entire technological structure that your company needs to achieve its objectives.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

NOC Network

A revealing look into life within a Network Operations Center

Network operations centers, commonly known as NOCs, are increasing in number, largely due to the growth of the service provider sector. Application Service Providers (ASP) - companies that provide paid applications on the Internet - and Network Service Providers (NSP) - companies that offer paid network management services - are the two main groups that create NOC Network faster than they can't find IT, professionals. Make them work.

For good reason, the NOC is often seen as the heart of ASP and NSP, as well as ISPs and telecommunications companies. However, few people know what's really going on inside a NOC, not to mention the type of IT professionals who are facing the challenge of working in one. In this article, we will take a look inside a network operations center and see what types of NOC workstations they offer.

An overview of NOC operations

For the benefit of those unfamiliar with the daily functions of a typical network operations center, let's start with an overview of my business, the real-time IT support center. The Real-Time IT Support Center is an NSP that provides real-time paid network services to small and medium-sized businesses.

As with practically all NSPs, Realtime has a NOC. Real-time NOC relies heavily on advanced management and reporting tools to provide a watchful eye 24/7 to the networks of their many customers. The overall success or failure of the network operations center, however, does not depend on sophisticated hardware or software, but on the IT professionals who manage it. Realtime NOC is managed by Doug Beamer, head of the network operations center and a team of network professionals. Doug and his team both have years of experience and have various certifications from Microsoft and Cisco.

Doug's responsibility as head of the real-time network operations center is to define and document the processes and procedures that follow his engineering teams. Daily activities involve everything from data backup management to monitoring critical frame relay circuits. His team solves or aggravates network problems in accordance with Doug's service level agreements and documented procedures.

There are many days in real-time NOC for everything to go well and the team keeps an eye on the networks. So there are a few more difficult days, like when a telecommunications operator accidentally left a frame circuit or a critical messaging server decided to call it stops for the same day. It's only 9:00.

Like most NOCs, the real-time IT support center network operations center does not know the term "opening hours" and must operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Doug and his engineering team should always have a pager and cellphone with them. Like most computer workstations, they get little praise when systems work as they should, but they become the center of attention when things go wrong. The work is demanding, but the NOC must work properly for Realtime to satisfy existing customers and bring new ones.

Computer stations in a NOC

Many service companies actively seek qualified IT professionals to fill positions in their network operations centers. Companies that employ individuals to work within their NOCs are interested in IT professionals who have experience in supporting network infrastructure for a large organization and who have experience with a variety of network management tools.

These companies are looking for IT professionals for different types of positions. Network operators are required to manage daily operations that are always important and to provide proactive monitoring of all network systems. Companies wishing to manage a NOC are also looking for network engineers to solve problems and provide technical support on a variety of network problems. Overall, they are looking for network engineers with an emphasis on network management. These engineers can also develop and implement site-specific disaster and security recovery procedures based on corporate standards.

Another crucial position is that of the NOC manager, like Doug in Real-Time. The NOC manager is responsible for the daily management of the NOC's operations. Develop and maintain staff schedules and prioritize NOC tasks. This person must understand the NOCs and be able to plan, build and maintain them. The most successful NOC managers worked as office support, server administration and network engineering. This type of IT professionals will have a global vision of corporate networks and will be able to use and develop network management tools.

The skills listed above are generally considered "general skills". Network operations centers often draw up detailed lists of technical skills or "technical skills", although it is almost impossible to find IT professionals who have them all. However, to name a few, IT professionals who want to work within an NOC needs to know IP routing, Ethernet switching, TCP / IP, routing and switching, system administration and the best Convenience for business. common such as backup, virus protection, and network security.

The recent growth of the service provider sector and the consequent proliferation of network operations centers have created new demand for qualified network professionals. Now that you've looked into a NOC and know what kind of IT professionals these service providers are looking for, you can decide whether working for a NOC is right for you.

Friday, 17 January 2020

What is the Internet of Things, or IoT?

The Internet of Things - in short IoT - is made up of devices that connect to the Internet and share data with each other. IoT Managed Services devices include not only computers, laptops and smartphones, but also objects that have been equipped with chips to collect and communicate data on the network.

The range of existing and potential Internet of Things devices is huge. Consumers often use their smartphones to communicate with IoT devices, whether it's an intelligent speaker or a home thermostat. Connected devices offer more convenience, such as helping you create a shopping list or saving money, like turning off the heating at home during the holidays.

Here are 10 predictions about the future of IoT.

1. By 2025, it is estimated that there will be more than 21 billion IoT devices
A quick rewind shows where IoT devices are going. Consider: in 2016, there were over 4.7 billion things connected to the Internet, according to IOT Analytics. Fast forward to 2021? The market will grow to nearly 11.6 billion IoT devices.

2. Cybercriminals will continue to use IoT devices to facilitate DDoS attacks
In 2016, the world's the first Internet of Things malware was introduced, a variety of malware capable of infecting connected devices such as DVRs, security cameras and more. Mirai malware logged into devices using a default password and usernames.
What happened after? The malware has turned affected devices into a botnet to facilitate a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, which aims to overwhelm websites with Internet traffic. The attack ended up flooding one of the largest web hosting companies in the world, interrupting a variety of important and well-known websites and services for hours.
This particular strain of malware is called "open source" which means that the code is accessible to everyone.

3. Other cities will become "smart"
Consumers will not be the only ones to use IoT devices. Cities and businesses will increasingly adopt smart technologies to save time and money.
This means that cities will be able to automate, remotely manage and collect data via visitor kiosks, video surveillance systems, and bicycle and taxi rental stations.

4. Artificial intelligence will continue to become more important
Hubs, thermostats, lighting systems and even intelligent coffee machines collect data on your habits and usage patterns. When setting up voice-activated devices, allowing them to record what you tell them and store those recordings in the cloud. In most cases, data is collected to facilitate what is known as machine learning.
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that helps computers "learn" without anyone having to program them. Computers are programmed to focus on the data they receive. This new data can, therefore, help the machine "learn" what your preferences are and adapt accordingly. For example, when a video website suggests a movie that you will like, it will likely learn your preferences based on your past choices.

5. Routers will continue to become more secure and intelligent
Since most consumer IoT devices reside at home and cannot be equipped with security software, they can be vulnerable to attack. Why? Many manufacturers are looking to quickly bring their IoT products to market, so security could be an afterthought. This is where the home router plays a very important role. The router is essentially the Internet access point in your home.
Although many of the connected devices cannot be protected, the router has the ability to provide protection at the entry point. A conventional router offers some security, such as password protection, firewalls and the ability to configure them to allow only certain devices on the network.
Routers will likely continue to look for new ways to increase security.

6. 5G networks will continue to fuel IoT growth
The major wireless operators will continue to implement 5G networks in 2019. 5G - fifth-generation cellular wireless technology - promises faster speeds and the ability to connect multiple smart devices simultaneously.
Faster networks mean that the data accumulated by your smart devices will be collected, analyzed and managed at a higher level. This will stimulate innovation in companies that produce IoT devices and stimulate consumer demand for new products.

7. Cars will be even smarter
The advent of 5G will take the automotive industry to a higher level. The development of driverless cars, as well as connected vehicles already on the road, will benefit from faster data.
You may not think that your car is an Internet of Things device. But new cars will increasingly analyze your data and connect to other IoT devices, including other high-tech four-wheel vehicles.

8. The advent of 5G will also, open the door to new privacy and security concerns
Over time, more 5G IoT devices will connect directly to the 5G network than a Wi-Fi router. This trend will make these devices more vulnerable to direct attacks, according to a recent Symantec blog post.
For home users, it will be more difficult to monitor all IoT devices as they will bypass a central router.
On a larger scale, the increased dependence on cloud-based storage will offer attackers new targets to attempt to break.

9. IoT-based DDoS attacks will take more dangerous forms
Botnet-based Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks used infected IoT devices to destroy websites. IoT devices can be used to direct other attacks, according to a Symantec blog article.
For example, there may be attempts to arm the Internet of Things Future Trends devices. A possible example would be a nation that turns off home thermostats in an enemy state during a harsh winter.

10. Security and privacy concerns will guide legislation and regulatory activity
The increase in IoT devices are only one of the reasons why security and privacy problems increase.
In mid-2018, the European Union implemented the general data protection regulation. The GDPR has led to similar security and privacy initiatives in several countries around the world. In the United States, California recently passed stricter privacy laws.

Friday, 10 January 2020

Remote Site Surveys: The Basics

Keep away from issues, for example, channel obstruction when you manufacture your WLAN by leading a remote site review. 

So as to actualize a remote system with ideal inclusion, you need to initially have a strong comprehension of the radio recurrence conduct nearby. A remote site review is the most ideal approach to pick up this data since it will uncover zones of channel impedance and recognize any no man's lands, helping you keep away from issues as you manufacture the system and forestall impediments for organizing clients. 

The fundamental objective of playing out a Wireless Site Survey is to decide two things. To start with, you need to decide the attainability of building a remote system on your site. When you have set up it's attainable, you'll have to decide the best spot for passageways and other gear, for example, radio wires and links. A site study likewise causes you to figure out what kind of gear you will require, where it will go, and how it should be introduced.

AP situating 

WLAN passageways can possibly be found anyplace. Remote site recognition enables you to figure out where passageways ought to be situated to maintain a strategic distance from cover or impedance. 

Many system administrators will just introduce extra WiFi passages as a handy solution to expand remote inclusion. In any case, he regularly does pretty much nothing or nothing to take care of the foundation of the issue. Truth be told, an excessive number of WiFi passages could really build the plausibility of impedance in a similar channel with different passageways as of now set up. A study on the remote site can assist you in maintaining a strategic distance from this issue. 

Reviews can likewise assist you with discovering which passages are around you. There are three covering channels that you can use to disseminate a remote system in the United States: 1, 6 and 11 for the 2.4 GHz recurrence. These guidelines apply to everybody, not simply your site. Along these lines, if your site is in a structure with different associations that have their own remote systems, you should arrange with the passageways of those different associations. 

You have to realize close by passages to convey a remote system that doesn't cover with others in your general vicinity. Sometimes, utilizing another WiFi recurrence like 5 GHz with 802.11 a/n/air conditioning may be a superior alternative. 

Channel impedance 

Channel impedance can cause remote system issues and can be brought about by an assortment of issues. The microwave in the lounge area can likewise cause power blackouts on the off chance that it utilizes a similar radiofrequency. 

People can likewise cause issues. The normal human body is for the most part comprised of water and since water causes ingestion, individuals' bodies can really assimilate remote signs, which messes organize up. 

It is imperative to remember these things when leading the review on the site. We could do a study on the site and make sense of where all the passageways ought to be found, possibly to find that when individuals move and work (and utilize the microwave) on the recognize each day, the system doesn't work appropriately. 

The most ideal approach to keep away from these issues is to utilize the remote site overview as a chance to increase strong information on RF on your site, which is fundamental for structuring and actualizing a remote system with ideal inclusion.

Site Survey Types

There are three distinct sorts of site studies generally utilized in the business: aloof site overviews, dynamic site reviews, and prescient site studies. 

An inactive site examination instrument tunes in to existing passageways and, outside of your oversaw foundation, signal quality, obstruction, and AP inclusion. Uninvolved site reviews, where identified WiFi connectors don't need to be related to the AP or SSID, give a diagram of the RF attributes of existing remote systems. 

During an overview of the dynamic site, the WiFi connector of the study is related to the passageways and the trading of parcels. This enables you to gather nitty gritty data. You can catch genuine system traffic, loss of speed parcels and physical levies (PHY). Dynamic overviews are ordinarily utilized for new WLAN executions. 

A prescient overview of the site is performed with no sort of estimation in the field. It utilizes RF arranging programming devices equipped for giving remote inclusion of passageways. To do this site study, an arrangement drawing (AutoCAD, JPEG, PDF) is basic. Prescient site overviews are utilized when the site or building has not yet been assembled and is valuable for planning purposes. 

The motivation behind every one of these examinations on the remote site is to give point by point data on the site's radio recurrence inclusion. Before actualizing or endeavoring to enhance a WLAN, you should see every single imaginable zone of obstruction, areas of passageways, power contemplations and essential cabling prerequisites. An overview of the remote site can give this data and considerably more, so as to have the important devices to configuration, actualize and advance the remote system.

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Choose the best Wi-Fi router for your needs

There are many features and aspects to consider when choosing a wireless router that's right for you. Read on to find out the main differences between routers and how to maximize the speed of your network
The backbone of a wireless network is choosing the right Wi-Fi router: there are many types of routers and they all have different characteristics to keep in mind when deciding on the best way to adapt your connection. Router for Business Use.

Different types of Wi-Fi routers

You already know how a Wi-Fi router works and now it's time to fine-tune the different types of features of the Wi-Fi router to find the wireless router that best suits your needs.
Speed ​​is the main differentiator between routers. With the advent of the Internet of Things, wireless functionality is becoming the standard for more and more devices. Wi-Fi-connected printers, intelligent security systems, and more require a fast Internet connection throughout the office. Wireless routers are based on several communication standards: 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n, "n" is the latest and largest of the fast communication standards. After choosing a standard, you can then refine other essential features of the best Wi-Fi router for you, such as the type of band (single band, double band or tri-band) or security considerations.

Advantages and features of Wi-Fi routers

What defines a good wireless router varies according to the user's needs. For example, if speed is your main problem with your current network, remember that a wireless router can only work at the speed allowed by your Internet connection. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) needs to optimize bandwidth to allow the wireless router to run at full speed so you can see the real benefits of a high-performance router like a high-end "n" series.

Here are some standard features on most router models and how they can influence your choice of Wi-Fi router:

Why it’s important
Broadcast Standard
Routers communicate according to one of the three standards. First-generation Wi-Fi routers use "b", later models use "g" and newer models use "n" and "ac".
Band Type
Wi-Fi communicates in two bands: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Single-band models are designed to work in both bands, one at a time. Dual-band models contain two types of wireless radios that support connections on two bands as needed, often increasing network efficiency. The three-band models offer three 5 GHz band connections for maximum speed between multiple devices. The best dual-band and tri-band routers offer automatic bandwidth control for different connections.
Most router models support standard WEP titles and more secure WPA and WPA2 configurations. Routers with access control functions allow you to customize access for both hours of use and network users.
"B" routers offer the lowest speeds, reaching on average around 11 Mbps. "G" routers have an average maximum speed of 54 Mbps. "N" routers reach around 300 Mbps. "AC" routers display on average 1 Gbit / s. Various wireless devices operate on the 2.4 GHz band. To avoid network congestion, the 5 GHz band can provide better performance due to less interference. There are also several Wi-Fi channels in the bands that help reduce device overlap.
WAN Type
Most routers have Ethernet or LAN ports for connecting wired devices such as printers or other devices so that they can share information at higher transmission speeds. Routers with Gigabit Ethernet ports offer ultra-fast transmission speeds. If an Ethernet switch or hub is part of the network plan, consider a router with multiple ports.
All routers have at least one WAN port or no one can use them to connect to the Internet. If the port turns off, the same goes for wireless connectivity. The dual WAN is a second connection to the Internet and is particularly beneficial for companies that cannot afford downtime.
Ethernet switches determine the number of devices that can be connected to the corporate network. Router models often provide between two and 13 Ethernet ports for connection to a switch.
Bluetooth Capabilities
Some router models can connect to devices via Bluetooth, which can be an added benefit if you want to use Bluetooth devices as speakers for audio presentations.

Get the most out of your Wi-Fi router

Wi-Fi is a requirement for employee productivity in most organizations. In addition, many companies must offer hot spots to their customers to stay competitive. However, even long-range routers can have coverage dead zones. A network extender can increase the signal from your Wi-Fi router and increase coverage. This is a great solution if your Routing in Network suffers from a lack of signal in some areas of the building. Most extensions are plug and play for configuration and require little or no special installation.
A great way to narrow down the choice of the Wireless Router for Business is to make a list of the features you want most taking into account the bandwidth limits. Although an "AC" band router can offer speeds of 1 Gbit / s, you will never benefit from these speeds if your Internet connection is not that fast. If your network has users streaming video or using a lot of bandwidth with other network activities, a router running on the 5 GHz band tends to see less network congestion. If you have questions or are unsure of the best wireless router for your network, contact one of our experts. We are happy to help you find the best solution for your ideal Wi-Fi network.